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Khamis, 26 Mei 2011

kanak-kanak bersama kembar parasitnya

Deepak kumar 8 tahun..kanak2 dari india yg lahir bersama kembar parasitnya,,,dia terkenal d india dgn gelaran "anak octopus"..pembedahan telah dilakukan untuk membuang kembarnya itu..“I’m tired of it to be different from other kids, I just want to live normally,” said Deepak after surgery.
Parasitic twin
Parasitic twin
Parasitic twin
Deepak Kumar Paswaan: 7-year old with legs growing out of his chest
Deepak Kumar Paswaan: 7-year old with legs growing out of his chest
Deepak Kumar Paswaan: 7-year old with legs growing out of his chest

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